Saturday, May 8, 2010

Linux or not to Linux?

I have always been interested in OS for computers. I can remember the early days (for me) when DOS was the essential way to use a computer. Then came along the early versions of Windows (I think 3.0 or so was the earliest I can remember). I remember still having to use DOS though for certain games or programs, so Windows was not nearly as dominate as it is now. There were also some Macs around which had similar windows OS's. Anyways, about a year or two ago I found out about Linux and its many versions or flavors. I tried it out in our lab, but ended up being frustrated because I felt it was so hard to install a simple Adobe Flash Player for Firefox. However, I really felt like I could get use to it, and I really enjoyed this new OS because of its freedom and it reminded me of the good ol' days. The versions I was exposed to were Fedora, Redhat (the pay for version, Enterprise I think?), Ubuntu, and Kubuntu.

Anyways, I have always planned to install some Linux version on my home computers so that I could mess around with it (I also even would like a Mac OS too!). The other day, my good friend and colleague, Tony Saad, told me about Wubi. Wubi is an installer for Windows that automatically installs Ubuntu on your computer with dual boot and separate partition. If you don't like it, you can unistall with no traces or problems. So I have tried it out, and it turns out I am writing this blog post from Ubuntu!! I think this is wonderful, and should spread this use of Linux to others such as myself.

Here is the link:

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